My Pilates, Exo Chair Pregnancy Workout with our brand ambassador, Tamara Dey ✨Seated tricep dips: Your instructor will depress and hold the chairs pedal, while you reach […]
Client pick of the week, the incredibly inspirational and gorgeous…Natalie Milroy. Thank you for writing such incredible words and for being an inspiration to us all […]
Booty Barre May Special. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 9am -10am with the fabulous Jemma Oxford. ?9 x classes for R1080.00 ?5 x classes for […]
Well done Steven Green, owner of the best SEO Company, Traffic Fundi, for completing your first triathlon. The My Pilates team of instructors at the Muckleneuk […]
Suffering from Sciatic Nerve Pain… A common symptom of piriformis syndrome is pain along the sciatic nerve. Instead, with piriformis syndrome, it is the piriformis muscle […]
Warming up is there to prepare you for a physical activity: Standing roll down Neutral spine and Pelvic Tilt Pelvic curl Cat/cow stretch Stretching is there […]