29 November 2017

Opening your lateral lines

Opening up your lateral lines will help to free your lats, QL, obliques and spine. If you pregnant, have a rounded posture or sit for prolonged […]
22 October 2017

My Pilates with Tamara Dey

My Pilates, Exo Chair Pregnancy Workout with our brand ambassador, Tamara Dey ✨Seated tricep dips: Your instructor will depress and hold the chairs pedal, while you reach […]
27 August 2017

Scoliosis and Pilates is a perfect match. 

Client pick of the week, the incredibly inspirational and gorgeous…Natalie Milroy. Thank you for writing such incredible words and for being an inspiration to us all […]
11 April 2017

Booty Barre May Special 

Booty Barre May Special. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 9am -10am with the fabulous Jemma Oxford.  ?9 x classes for R1080.00  ?5 x classes for […]
24 February 2016

1st Triathlon completed! Well Done Steven Green (trafficfundi.com)

Well done Steven Green, owner of the best SEO Company, Traffic Fundi, for completing your first triathlon. The My Pilates team of instructors at the Muckleneuk […]
15 February 2016

Sciatic Nerve Pain and Stretches

Suffering from Sciatic Nerve Pain… A common symptom of piriformis syndrome is pain along the sciatic nerve. Instead, with piriformis syndrome, it is the piriformis muscle […]
24 August 2014

The difference between stretching and warming up

Warming up is there to prepare you for a physical activity: Standing roll down Neutral spine and Pelvic Tilt Pelvic curl Cat/cow stretch Stretching is there […]